Karen Spahn's Insights | Milwaukee, the Virus & Fundraising

By Mark Sabljak

Recently, my partner Marybeth Budisch and I asked ourselves a question: If we were raising funds for or leading a nonprofit and were faced with our current crisis, who would we turn to and ask for advice?

So we put together a list of individuals who have been there and overcame the odds. This is another in the series and highlights Karen Spahn, who is senior partner with Marybeth and I, lending her expertise to all of our clients. Karen’s career includes significant positions at the Milwaukee Public Museum and the Milwaukee Art Museum.

Here’s what Karen shared:

If I could suggest just one strategy, it would be continued communication! If you read the popular blogs, and/or listen to colleagues in the fundraising business, you'll hear that it's critically important to stay in touch with your donors and prospects. This could mean just checking in to see how they are doing, too. After all, the one thing we all have in common is that every single one of us is going through this craziness right now in some form. Our business is all about relationships.

A prospect or donor will appreciate and remember you touching base...not even necessarily to ask for a gift...but to let them know you're thinking of them. Let them know how you and your organization are doing, and that you hope they will be able to continue or provide future support.

Some nonprofits are going to be more desperate for support than others. In those cases, it's okay to let your donors know you need them more than ever when you're communicating with them.

With all the uncertainty in the world right now, there is one thing that is certain: human contact is important! 

Karen’s bio:

Karen Spahn is a professional fundraiser with over 30 years experience working in the Milwaukee community's corporate and nonprofit world.  She is a past senior staff member of the Milwaukee Public Museum, Greater Milwaukee Foundation and Milwaukee Art Museum, building relationships throughout the city and state. Her skills include working with  nonprofit organizations, budgeting, event planning and event management, and public speaking.


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